A Personal Introduction to Vidya Design Services


New name, but same quality services. We used to be TREOCOM and we have been doing business for the past ten years now. It was time for a change, so we changed the name. The company originally started out in Sydney, Australia and have been located all over the world since, with clients in Denmark and the USA primarily. We were located in Monument, Colorado for a few years and now we are situated in New York City, the most dynamic and exciting city there is. Below are an overview of the areas of service we cover and for our mission statement please visit this page. And go here if you are interested in reading a little bit about the brains and hard worker behind the company; her name is Nya Gregor Fleron.

  • Testimonials
    Hear what my beautiful clients have to say or read reviews about my work.


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  • About Nya Gregor Fleron

    My personal philosophy is to live a peaceful, cooperative, spiritual and environmen

  • Our Clients

    Vidya Design is a portable business so to speak, as all that is needed is internet access and a phon

  • Our Commitment

    We are committed to working with our clients on an individual basis. Not one project will ever be th


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Like to know more?

Interested in what we do? Something you are looking for that you don't see on this site, please contact us at nya@treocom.net.

Need to talk to us

Phone: +1 646 229 3283
Email: nya @treocom.net

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