doctor's office

  • I was referred to Dr. Siranush Cholakian to maintain her website content-wise. I advised her to upgrade her already existing wordpress site, since the version was very old. It is important when you have a content management system that you not only adding new content to the site for SEO purposes, but you also need to upgrade the software itself on a regular basis purely for security reasons. Unfortunately, websites are hacked into on a regular basis and when it happens to you, it is a pain in the butt to say it the least. Most professional web hosting companies will now alert you, when there is suspicious activity going on.  In order to update her wordpress site properly, I also had to rework the theme/design of the site, so I improved it and made it responsive as well. Lately, I have been using the Avada theme for a lot of the wordpress sites I have put together. It is a clean design and it comes with a lot of great functionalities that make it a lot simpler to work with. I also added a bunch of graphics to her site, to make it come more alive visually. I kept the original logo/design concept with the earth and the blue and green colors, referring to the idea of holistic medicine that is grounded in something natural, concrete and wise.

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