Vidya Design may request information from you to be able to provide you with a full service. We respect your privacy and will protect your information and will not share it with any other parties, unless it is in agreement with you.

Vidya Design may use information provided through the website in the following ways:

  1. In order to contact you.
  2. To deliver services that you purchase.
  3. To alert you to information that is related to the services you have purchased.
  4. In some cases, to provide to other companies in order to fulfill purchases on your behalf, like for instance software purchases, web hosting services or image purchases.
  5. To disclose the information if required by law.

Your information will not be passed on to any third parties without your permission, other than those listed above. We also protect your data from misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, or alteration.

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Like to know more?

Interested in what we do? Something you are looking for that you don't see on this site, please contact us at

Need to talk to us

Phone: +1 646 229 3283
Email: nya

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