Learning Requires a Certain Degree of patience from both Student and Teacher

We offer tutoring and training in the most commonly known software, also most OpenSource software and web-based software like Joomla and Wordpress. Tutoring is more than passing on instructions. With computers, people tend to give up easily, often because they are under a great amount of pressure to perform, ending up doing simple tasks in less efficient ways. Like with anything else in life, learning is about keeping an open mind and willingness to absorb new knowledge. It requires a certain degree of patience from both student and teacher. We believe in empowering people so that they can go back to their business and handle those necessary tasks with more confidence, greater efficiency and understanding of the computer processes. Too often in the IT industry, the experts go in and do the job without interacting with the clients who are left feeling alienated. I'd like to help change that perception. I believe real efficiency includes maintenance, communication and team effort. The training and tutorials, we offer is tailor-made to your needs and it's there so that you can better maintain and execute your IT systems and environment.

It Doesn't Take Much Support to Become More Efficient at What You Are Doing

We specialize in developing IT solutions that are simple, user-friendly and tailored to the specific needs of our clients.

With a focus on free, OpenSource software we can implement robust, usable IT systems, backed up by hands on training and technical support that will be a fraction of the cost of software offered by corporations.

We also offer technical support to clients' current computer systems and software. It doesn't take much support to become more efficient at what you are doing, when someone is there to lend a hand.

Nya has worked in administration for many years and knows the ins and outs of a well functioning office.

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Like to know more?

Interested in what we do? Something you are looking for that you don't see on this site, please contact us at nya@treocom.net.

Need to talk to us

Phone: +1 646 229 3283
Email: nya @treocom.net

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