Authorization regarding web based projects

The client is engaging Vidya Design as an independent contractor for the specific project of developing and/or improving a website to be installed on the client's web space on an Internet Service Provider's computer. The client hereby authorizes Vidya Design to access this account, and authorizes the Internet Service Provider to allow Vidya Design with "write permission" for the client's web page directory, cgi-bin directory, and any other directories or programs which need to be accessed for this project. The client also authorizes Vidya Design to submit their completed website to Web search engines.

Payment Terms for Estimates

A deposit of 50% of the estimate is agreed to be paid up front, by direct deposit, by check or by using the online payment system. Immediately upon receipt of the initial payment, the project work will begin. The remaining balance is due in bimonthly installments, the number of installments depends on the length and scope of the project and any special deadlines that needs to be met. With projects that are estimated to be under $500, full payment is required. With projects that are between $500 and $1000, 50% up front and the rest at completion of project from Vidya Design's end. For projects above $1000, usually 40% up front and bimonthly installments accordingly. It is also possible to make a project specific agreement of how the fees are to be paid. Please contact Vidya Design personally. Final payment will be made within 30 days when site is ready to go, publicly available, and thereafter a 10% finance fee will be charged.
See also below under Completion Date.

Completion Date

Vidya Design understands that people have a tendency to underestimate time and effort, therefore let it be said that Vidya Design and the client must strive to work together to complete the website in a timely manner that works for all parties. If the client does not supply Vidya Design with complete text and graphics content on all web pages contracted for within six weeks of the date this agreement was entered, the entire amount of the contract becomes due and payable. If the client has not submitted complete text and graphics content within two months after entering this agreement, an additional continuation fee of 10% of the total contract price will also be assessed each month until the website is advertised.

Web Hosting

It is understood that web hosting services requires a separate contract with a web hosting service. The client agrees to select a web hosting service either with Vidya Design or a web hosting service of their choosing. Vidya Design recommends using If web hosting services are rendered with Vidya Design's own server, the web hosting fee will include yearly backup and updates of the cms software that the site is built in. This is required for security and functionality reasons. If the client chooses their own web hosting service, they are responsible for making sure software is up-to-date.

Copyright to Web Pages

While your site is in development Vidya Design owns the Copyright to all pages. Once your site is completed and you have paid the balance of your invoice the copyrights are then transferred to you.

Assignment of Project

Vidya Design reserves the right to assign subcontractors to this project to insure the right fit for the job as well as on-time completion.


Either party may cancel this agreement upon written notification, however any charges incurred to the date of receipt of notification shall be immediately due and payable. Charges shall be for any work in progress, contracted service fees, or software purchases for the purpose to suit the client’s needs.

Vidya Design
244 5th Ave, Suite N221
New York, NY 10009
Ph 646 229 3283

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Need to talk to us

Phone: +1 646 229 3283
Email: nya

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