We can do all your written content for you and put together a marketing strategy for your website and other promotional material. Our copy writer has thirty years of experience.

Websites are first and foremost supposed to convey information and focus should always be on creating a well written content. Graphics are important to visually convey your message but unless you're an artist or actor or model, the written content and navigation system on your website is very important.

The first and foremost reason for having a well written website is to improve your site's search engine optimization! Search engines are favoring websites with well written and useful content. The more content you have on your site, and the more pages, the higher you will rank in search engines.

The second reason for having a well written website is of course that any potential customer or reader will be interested in what you have to say. The more compelled they are by your content, the more likely they will stay or return to your site or even recommend your site to others.

A few SEO tips:

  • Create unique, accurate and descriptive page titles
  • Make use of the description meta tag
  • Create simple, clear URLs that convey the information of your page (ie use words and not numbers)
  • Make your site easy to navigate, by using breadcrumbs for instance, simple and clear menus
  • Create a sitemap for your site and one for the search engine
  • Always favor using text rather than graphics - keep it simple
  • Provide lots of internal as well as external links - the more internal page links you create the better
  • Use brief, but descriptive filenames and title/alt text for your images and store them in one directory on your site
  • Use Heading styles including bold on your pages to emphasize important content
  • Use Google's free webmaster tools like Google Analytics and Website Optimizer

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Interested in what we do? Something you are looking for that you don't see on this site, please contact us at nya@treocom.net.

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Phone: +1 646 229 3283
Email: nya @treocom.net

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